We had a short, yet productive week. We focused on the LifeSkill of integrity. I have some definite favorite quotes that I like to share, but having taught this last year . . . a few are saying, "We've already done this one!" I'll try and pull some new ones that aren't as familiar to them, yet some are worth repeating especially because I have new students to the program this year.
From our morning/afternoon message, the learning clubs discussed different scenarios that go with integrity. This sparked many good conversations!
Some of the quotes shared during the week were:
- Keep on doing what is right.
- Reason often makes mistakes, but conscience never does. (Josh Billings)
- Only you can decide how you are going to act.
- Be honest with yourself, so you will be honest with others. (Bernard Baruch)
With the short week we only had math once this week much to the dismay of my students. It's also funny when they start paying attention to which days the early dismissals fall on; calculating if it'll be LA or Math that misses.
We are working around third grade's awesome study trip this week and next, so some may miss what we're doing in HA. No worries.
Our new High Ability bulletin board is up! Take time during conferences to see some of the awesome student work displayed. I'll keep posting student samples throughout the year. They are very proud when they see their work up there! It'll give them even more incentive to give their personal best on their work. Not all projects will present itself for display, but I will do my best to show all grades and both subjects. For now, I have 2nd grade LA and 4th grade LA/Math. Stay tuned . . .
Next Week: Unfortunately we will not have High Ability all next week. I will be training the new Bailly High Ability Instructor. Thanks for understanding!
Next Week: Unfortunately we will not have High Ability all next week. I will be training the new Bailly High Ability Instructor. Thanks for understanding!
Fourth Grade: We continued our work in Greek and Latin root words. They first worked in groups of three using "card companions". Have them explain what this is. They teamed up to define a root word then had to find four possible word choices using this root. They then moved onto an independent activity defining a word from the Latin or Greek list of words. I ended the week with an exciting technology lesson! I created a matching game using our Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes titled "It's All Greek to Me!" They had to match the root, prefix or suffix with it's meaning. They were able to use their Greek and Latin reference page. They LOVED this and got really good at it by the end when I had to kick them out, hehehehe.
The origami cubes have gotten out of control! I have parents stopping me saying that they are creating lots and lots of various sized cubes at home out of anything they can get their hands on . . . students stopped me Monday to find out if we were making them on Wednesday. I love it, that they are loving it! I suggested making them for a gift card container for birthday parties. It's a neat and unusual way to package it.
Second Grade: We read our Eldorado poem once again and took time to write in our reading journals. They had to write what the poem meant to them. Many were unsure of what to write, but I encouraged them to just write their thoughts with no worries about it being turned in. Just journal! Next, we read a second poem The Walrus and the Carpenter and did a compare and contrast activity using a Venn Diagram. Te second poem was a bit easier to understand, but still used tough vocab. Thanks to their help, I found a clip from Alice in Wonderland which refers to Lewis Carroll's poem and I showed it on our second day. It made it easier to comprehend and follow. This group is really stepping up to the plate and having some really good discussions about the two poems. Outstanding!
To keep their math facts fresh, we played a fun subtraction war using a deck of cards. Each had to flip two cards over, quickly subtract the two numbers, the won with the higher difference . . . won that round. Afterwards we counted up the cards and the one with the most cards won! I had them mix up partners since we now have an even number of students. For a majority, their facts are not automatic. We need to keep working on it, so they are.
Third Grade: We continued our noun hunt in their myth book from last week. They used different colored highlighters to identify not only the nouns, but what type of nouns. (person, place, thing, idea) They transferred their highlighted words to a chart that separated them into the different categories. It's such a neat way for them to practice their grammar as it's integrated into our unit of myths. They also journaled their thoughts on myths. We had time to work with the Smartboard. I had them doing a synonym activity where they matched words except I took them up several levels. We worked with fifth grade vocabulary! You could see their problem solving skills at work as they narrowed their choices down. Clever!
We are still working hard on our multiplication math facts. They earn a different piece for each fact they pass which makes it fun! They earn a place mat for passing x 2's, a napkin for x 3's, and their cone for x 4's. Keep practicing at home. There are many online sites which will actually time them. We are currently working on x 4's. Check with your child and see where they are.
We are still working hard on our multiplication math facts. They earn a different piece for each fact they pass which makes it fun! They earn a place mat for passing x 2's, a napkin for x 3's, and their cone for x 4's. Keep practicing at home. There are many online sites which will actually time them. We are currently working on x 4's. Check with your child and see where they are.
First Grade: My first graders worked on an independent activity where they had to choose a word from their Caesar Cipher lesson and find a connection to it. It's a great chance for them to practice their writing and to bring the theme into focus. They each took time coding their name before making a secret message for a classmate to decode. They each came up with a Halloween message. Ask them what theirs was. This was a struggle in the beginning, but I'm so happy to see the smiles and excitement as they figured out their neighbor's message.
Our math time was brief after we met for a school assembly. After the problem of the day. I had them pair up for an addition war. They flipped two cards over to find the sum . . . the highest sum won the pile. I shared with them little tricks to help them with mental math. For example, 6 + 7 . . . think of it as a doubles + 1 fact . . . 6 + 6 = 12 then one more. They also added 11's when they came to a face card. We changed the ones digits around to make it easier. 11 + 8 . . . think of 18 + 1 more. They really enjoyed this and since I had only boys today . . .there was a little bit of friendly competition. It was cute to watch!
Have a nice fall break and I'll see you in November!
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Koeydker
Our math time was brief after we met for a school assembly. After the problem of the day. I had them pair up for an addition war. They flipped two cards over to find the sum . . . the highest sum won the pile. I shared with them little tricks to help them with mental math. For example, 6 + 7 . . . think of it as a doubles + 1 fact . . . 6 + 6 = 12 then one more. They also added 11's when they came to a face card. We changed the ones digits around to make it easier. 11 + 8 . . . think of 18 + 1 more. They really enjoyed this and since I had only boys today . . .there was a little bit of friendly competition. It was cute to watch!
Have a nice fall break and I'll see you in November!
Yours in Education,
Mrs. Koeydker