Our February winners are Klaire and Riley both in fourth grade and both for effort, Maya in third for effort and finally Chris in second for perseverance. They each selected something from our treasure chest and were all excited to see their name posted in our window!
We have now covered all of our Lifeskills, so we will move onto our Lifelong Guidelines. This week it was Active Listening. They had a few directions on our morning message to do an activity involving Active Listening. For example, one day they were to come in and listen for two minutes without talking. We then discussed what we heard. This is a struggle for some because as I'm going over the morning message they are wanting to jump in and tell me something related. We also talked about how to be an active listener, you need to focus on the speaker and not what you're about to say in response. I think we are all guilty of that . . .
Some of the quotes discussed:
- If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two mouths and one ear.
- Every good conversation starts with good listening.
- Focus on being interested, not interesting.
- The world is giving you answers each day. Learn to listen.
- Be All Ears!
First and third grade for all will not be seen. Fourth will only be affected Monday (LA) and Thursday (math). Second is unaffected at this time during flex.
Math Masters:
I have their squares color coordinated by grade level.
You can see by our updated chart that the colors are a bit mixed up which shows that some are above what's expected at grade level when it comes to math facts. The students love gaining on any grade level above them. They are even asking to take the timed tests twice a week! How crazy is that?!?! Even though many are very competitive, we chart our own progress each week. Just take it one problem at a time and improve your score from last week. They see this and get very excited to know that they are making progress.
Fourth Grade LA:
I couldn't be more proud of their Google Slide Presentations! I'm sure they'll take it to an even higher level when they present next week. I have quite a few characters in here who will surely get into their role. I can't wait! They are encouraged to dress up, bring props and really sell their presentations. I think we've got most props covered, thanks. With bathrooms directly across from our room, they can go in for a quick change before presenting. I will video tape them all using my phone and hope to send your child's presentation to you via email. Have the conversation this weekend with your child and make sure that they are ready and know what they are bringing. I've taken care of having them prep their monologue, so they should be ready. My first group will present Tuesday now since we will not flex on Monday.
Fourth Grade Math:
Second Grade LA:
This group and their love for Edward is priceless. They were given a super tough crossword puzzle which they tackled with enthusiasm. Most worked in pairs, yet others in small groups. I loved just listening to the chatter going on and how they discussed and remembered the story. It was awesome! Many had a book handy to use as a reference. A majority of them finished, but we'll go over their answers on Monday.
Third Grade LA:
Using audible.com, we are listening to several chapters as we journal and discuss. It was very helpful on one particular chapter because Carroll did not break for paragraphs as the characters changed. We discussed the organization of the text and how it helps you comprehend the story better when an author does that. They also made time for journaling. I look forward to reading these each week. I can see that they are becoming more aware and deep in their responses. Those that have seen the movie continue to make comparisons to the book which is wonderful. They are quite different.
Third Grade Math:

We continue to work with our comic on adding and subtracting fractions. I've been scaffolding for several days since there are multiple steps needed. I went ahead and set them free to work in groups on the final two problems. They worked on it for a bit before asking for a refresher lesson. Most need to be stepped through the process, but I do have a couple who are catching on quickly. Moving onto the next challenge in Math Masters is Tyler who passed multiplication and Jack who's onto division with remainders along with my fourth graders!
First Grade LA:
We started our week with our persuasive pre-write. They, of course, had to sing our hamburger persuasive once again to kick it off. They had to write a paragraph persuading their parents to buy them a particular gift for their birthday. I'm noticing that the pre-writing is much easier for them this time. They are able to list the reasons and write their conclusion quickly. We spent a little time talking about intro words and how to incorporate them into their writing. This is such a social group and we laugh about it! I do love hearing all of their stories, but have to remind them that we have work to do.
First Grade Math:
We started our week with our persuasive pre-write. They, of course, had to sing our hamburger persuasive once again to kick it off. They had to write a paragraph persuading their parents to buy them a particular gift for their birthday. I'm noticing that the pre-writing is much easier for them this time. They are able to list the reasons and write their conclusion quickly. We spent a little time talking about intro words and how to incorporate them into their writing. This is such a social group and we laugh about it! I do love hearing all of their stories, but have to remind them that we have work to do.
First Grade Math:
Have a great weekend! Spring's gotta be coming soon . . . right?!?!?!
Yours in education,
Mrs. Koedyker