Thursday, September 25, 2014

Best Foot Forward Friday!

The Lifelong Guideline focused on this week was Personal Best.

A few quotes shared:
  • The sky's the limit when your heart is in it.
  • If better is possible, good is not enough.
  • To be a winner, all you need to give is all you have.
  • Luck may sometimes help, but work always does.
Language Arts for All except First:  We finished up the pre-assessments for grades 2-4 this week.  A few missed a day due to a "Bullying Workshop" with Mrs. Harmison.  No worries about that pre-assessment.  It's time to delve into the instruction!  
Since this is the second week, I made sure to take time out for other things.  We used the Smartboard for the second half of HA with each class.  They always look forward to working with technology.  What makes it even more fun is that there are fewer students in here compared to a regular classroom which means more "hands on time" with the Smartboard!

Math for All:  Beside the Problem of the Day (POD), I'll spend a little time each week working on math facts with each grade.  We will eventually do timed tests to become a Math Master!  Again, some missed a day due to a "Bullying Workshop" with Mrs. Harmison.  We'll pick up where we left off.

Fourth Grade:  Pre-assessed the concept of change and writing.  We did a Smartboard lesson on synonyms and antonyms.  We bumped it up to sixth grade for the challenge of it.  After our writing pre-assessment we did a Smartboard activity where they had to match the prefix or suffix with it's meaning.  It was neat to watch the problem solving techniques with this one.  I demonstrated words with that suffix or prefix and soon they were coming up with their own words.  It was helpful in deciphering the definition, great job!  We had time to play "four corners" too.

Math started a unit on geometry which will lead up to making the oragami cube many have waited anxiously to make.  We started by viewing a PowerPoint which summarized many of the concepts we'll be working on in the next several weeks.  They were spot on with almost ALL of the vocabulary, wow!  I posted different riddles around the room for them to solve.  They walked around the room using the given vocabulary . . .they even found a mistake when we went over the answers, good for them! On the second day of math I chose to juggle two lessons.  I felt it was important for those who missed the previous day(due to a presentation), so they did the above while I started the second group figuring area with decimal places.  This is my biggest class by far and they did WONDERFULLY with so much going on.

Second Grade:  Pre-assessed the concept of connections and writing.  They really struggled with the writing which is fine.  It just let's me know what we need to work on.  They did a Smartboard lesson with commonly confused words also known as homophones.  For example, break and brake . . . your and you're . . . course and coarse.  We were able to clarify ones that were often mixed up and continued to be a problem for many.  I had them break the contraction up and put it in the sentence.  Did it make sense?  Hopefully now they've got it!  We also played "four corners".

Math:  We took two days to work on solving story problems which had two step calculations.  It wasn't easy for them at first, but we started to find our rhythm.  I even had one say . . . this is easy now that we've done so many!  This group learns in different ways, so I'm working with them to no shout out the answer.  I have some that are quick mental math calculators and others who need to see it and figure it out.  They are awesome and have had no problem adapting to their peers.  Wonderful to see!

Third Grade:  Pre-assessed informal text and writing.  Third grade had lots of experience with the prefixes and suffixes since there are only three in this group.  I really liked the teamwork shown by this group.  Although one person was up there at a time, they used a group effort to help each other through to the correct solution.  They too began coming up with words which used the prefixes and suffixes to help them with a solution.  Fantastic work!  Add in the fire drill on Tuesday and we only had time to do "Find It."  Fun!

Math:  Along with problem of the day, they worked on a mystery picture by solving multiplication math facts.  I have a wide range of where students are at on knowing their facts . . . some really know them well and others have to think a long time.  I have many tricks, songs and ways to help them remember them, so we'll continue to work on this.  If you have time at home, practice.  You can even break them down into knowing their 4's, then 5's, and so on.  This activity will continue next week!

First Grade:  This is the first grade to launch into the great lessons planned for the year.  We started by introducing The Graphic Alphabet, (great book).  The author/illustrator decided to design each letterform to become the word it represents.  Next, they were to match up "connection word pairs".  I placed different notecards around the room along with a stack of their pairs in the middle.  They needed to walk around the room finding the connection.  They loved this!!!!  We then discussed what makes a connection and also listed things that are not connected.  Since homework is optional in HA, I sent home an extra, short assignment.  If you have time to complete it, please do so to turn in next Monday, September 29th.  A few mentioned that they were done with it already.  They are to look for 4 connections they find in their home.  It'll just reinforce what we're doing here.  I totally understand if not.
(Note to self . . . don't take pictures of the ugly-corners-of-my-room, hehehe!)

Math:  We continued our work with graphing.  This week we had an exciting task to collect data first!  With only five in our class, more data was needed. We searched for Yost Staff so we could ask them what their favorite color was.  They were official with their clipboards and everything.  We took time for problem of the day which they LOVE!  They played four corners for the last minutes of class.

Each week just gets better and better!  We talk about the Lifelong Guidelines and Lifeskills which sets the tone plus they know what to expect and get right to work.  We're finding that we need to make the most of our time in here because it goes by quickly!  They are anxious to learn and do as much as possible.

Enjoy your weekend!
~Mrs. Koedyker

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