Thanks for checking in! I am sad that things are winding down in High Ability. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with all of my groups. Each class brings something different and I love that!
We mixed up the theme this week and continued to have them guess which one it was. They are getting good at identifying them. I'm passing out fewer green slips this last month. Not that I don't see awesome things happening in here, just going to be a little more selective for the last drawing.
- The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday. (PERSONAL BEST)
- The truth may sometimes hurt for a moment, but the pain you experience from a lie can last forever. (TRUTHFULNESS)
- Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort. (John Ruskin) (EFFORT)
- Perseverance is stubborness with a purpose. (Josh Shipp) (PERSEVERANCE)
- Attix A.-kindergarten-curiosity
- Hannah L.-kindergarten-manners
- Braxton O.-first grade-caring
- Jai B.-third grade-caring
- Troy P.-fourth grade-problem solving
- Cadence O.-fourth grade-perseverance
We've had to be flexible in third and fourth due to ISTEP. I will not hit them again with testing if they are testing that day. Plus, their schedule changes quite a bit, so some days I had a few kids and other days I had all four classes. No worries at all. We will do what we can do.
I've discovered something new that I'm introducing all of my classes to. The timing is actually perfect with the testing. It's a FANTASTIC website/app called Sumdog. Hopefully you saw the letter that went home explaining it. All classes have really enjoyed learning about it. It's a fun break from testing and our normal routine. I can see from the data, that there are about ten kids who use it regularly at home which is great!
Kindergarten Math:
You can see them doing their push ups to let me know they keep going when the going gets tough. It went along with our morning message on perseverance. We've started word problems together. They each have a sheet "key words", to make it easier. I had them highlight those key words when we came across them. We work through them together and talk about their strategies. We started off using manipulatives. Then moved towards mental math. I was pleased when I asked one student how he knew that 7+9=16. He just said he took the one from seven to make it 10 then added 10 + 6 in his head. WOW, I'm impressed!!! We had no Math Masters this week, but they are all improving each week. We chart their progress on a graph, so they can see what they did last time. It helps them stay motivated, on track and in their own lane.
Fourth Grade LA:
My classes we few and far between this week due to ISTEP. On Monday I had four kids and Tuesday I saw two. We took the time to explore Sumdog since we had such a small group. It was nice to unwind from the testing . . .
My classes we few and far between this week due to ISTEP. On Monday I had four kids and Tuesday I saw two. We took the time to explore Sumdog since we had such a small group. It was nice to unwind from the testing . . .
Fourth Grade Math:

Again, I did not see all of my kids due to testing. Those I did see, we only met once. We took the second to last Math Master test, yet didn't have any pass this time. There's one more to come! We used what we learned about GCF last week to reduce fractions. They whipped right through it pretty quickly. I showed my smaller group how to play Sumdog and they couldn't get enough of it! I have the logins for those I haven't seen. I'd like to meet with them first before sending those home. Next week . . .
Again, I did not see all of my kids due to testing. Those I did see, we only met once. We took the second to last Math Master test, yet didn't have any pass this time. There's one more to come! We used what we learned about GCF last week to reduce fractions. They whipped right through it pretty quickly. I showed my smaller group how to play Sumdog and they couldn't get enough of it! I have the logins for those I haven't seen. I'd like to meet with them first before sending those home. Next week . . .
Second Grade LA:
We caught up on our post assessments. This week we focused on the concept of connections. Again, our focus is more on how the curriculum fits with our program and not where the students are at. We will assess the groups for second grade HA at the end of the year, but it has nothing to do with these assessments. I shared with all of them their logins to Sumdog and showed them a sample of how to play a few of the games. There are SO many to choose from! I hope they take advantage of it. It's a math game, but all will benefit from it.
We caught up on our post assessments. This week we focused on the concept of connections. Again, our focus is more on how the curriculum fits with our program and not where the students are at. We will assess the groups for second grade HA at the end of the year, but it has nothing to do with these assessments. I shared with all of them their logins to Sumdog and showed them a sample of how to play a few of the games. There are SO many to choose from! I hope they take advantage of it. It's a math game, but all will benefit from it.
Second Grade Math:
They show determination and effort each time I give them a new puzzle to solve. Most continue with Sudoku puzzles while another moves on. They are really enjoying them. Congratulations to Kaden H. for now passing 60 multiplication facts. They are all making such progress! We took time at the end of each day to play Sumdog. I showed them Junk Pile and Snowball which are two of the running favorites in here.
Third Grade LA:
We took one day to finish an assessment. That leaves us with one more to do. We are not doing the writing post assessment because the writing portion of the curriculum is further back in the year, so that's something we'll change for next year. We are so close to being finished with listening to Alice. We'll for sure finish on Monday before we watch the movie. I shared with them their login for Sumdog. We had a chance to play a few of their games as I explained how it worked. Fun learning!
We took one day to finish an assessment. That leaves us with one more to do. We are not doing the writing post assessment because the writing portion of the curriculum is further back in the year, so that's something we'll change for next year. We are so close to being finished with listening to Alice. We'll for sure finish on Monday before we watch the movie. I shared with them their login for Sumdog. We had a chance to play a few of their games as I explained how it worked. Fun learning!
Third Grade Math:
We reviewed comparing fractions before they visited the stations around the room. Each task card had a question with a series of numbers to choose from. They were to chose the largest or smallest by comparing the different numbers written in decimal form. Some had to re-visit a few, but for the most part they did great! Congratulations to Jack for passing improper fractions and Logan for passing his multiplication facts! We'll celebrate next week by enjoying an ice cream treat. Yum!
First Grade LA:
We continue to delve into our Hieroglyphics unit. We started with a KWL chart to find out what they Know, Want to know and what they Learned about it. They did not know very much, but are so excited to learn. We read a book call Hieroglyphics A to Z which showed some of the symbols and their meaning. I had them practice writing their names using the code to decipher. At the end, I took time to introduce them to Sumdog.
We continue to delve into our Hieroglyphics unit. We started with a KWL chart to find out what they Know, Want to know and what they Learned about it. They did not know very much, but are so excited to learn. We read a book call Hieroglyphics A to Z which showed some of the symbols and their meaning. I had them practice writing their names using the code to decipher. At the end, I took time to introduce them to Sumdog.
First Grade Math:
Yours in education,
~Mrs. Koedyker
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