A few quotes shared:
- Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.
- Trust is earned, respect is given, and loyalty is demonstrated. Betrayal of any one of those is to lose all three.
- Trust: The "us" is the most important part of trust.
- Never waste your feelings on people who don't value them.
Time is going just too fast! When we return from Spring Break we will have about six weeks left in High Ability. We will start up with our kindergarten groups the Monday we return. I'm excited about that! We will finish the year strong! Those last couple of weeks, all the High Ability Instructors are stationed at Liberty Elementary recording data and finalizing our groups for next school year. Don't blink because it will be here before we know it, wow!

I recently re-supplied our treasure chest for the upcoming Green Slip Drawing at the end of the month. We have so many to choose from! This week I used them as exit passes one time for each LA/Math. They were to tell me what Lifeskill or Lifelong Guideline they used while in class today. It was pretty interesting. . . .some had to think a while on it.
I also have to share a funny story with you about what I now call my "green slip groupies". They are students who, at the end of class, linger doing helpful tasks. They will set up the attendance cards for the next class, organize our supply bins, sharpen pencils, and so on . . . just hoping for an extra green slip to increase their chances of being picked. It's all very helpful to me and I do appreciate it, but I eventually have to kick them out, lol.
I recently re-supplied our treasure chest for the upcoming Green Slip Drawing at the end of the month. We have so many to choose from! This week I used them as exit passes one time for each LA/Math. They were to tell me what Lifeskill or Lifelong Guideline they used while in class today. It was pretty interesting. . . .some had to think a while on it.
I also have to share a funny story with you about what I now call my "green slip groupies". They are students who, at the end of class, linger doing helpful tasks. They will set up the attendance cards for the next class, organize our supply bins, sharpen pencils, and so on . . . just hoping for an extra green slip to increase their chances of being picked. It's all very helpful to me and I do appreciate it, but I eventually have to kick them out, lol.
Fourth Grade LA:
Fourth Grade Math:
We got back in the habit of doing our problem of the day. They buckle right down and get excited when it's up. We also did our Math Masters timed tests. They are all doing so well improving each and every time. Having the chart to keep track helps them see that. Congratulations to Cole for passing his multiplication facts, James for passing 90 division facts, Garrett for passing 100 division facts. All have great attitudes and even when they miss just one they persevere. We then returned to our multi-step problem solving worksheet.
Second Grade LA:

They worked very hard finishing up their word clouds and it sure did pay off! They were given LOTS of multi-stepped directions in the computer lab to get this accomplished. At first they were quick to ask for help when they were unsure. There just wasn't enough of me to go around. We re-grouped, I walked them through the steps again, then told them to "ask three before me." I could see them gain confidence as they helped a neighbor and also practice patience and problem solving until I was able to help. I'm going to make sure I have them laminated before sending them home. They will be proud to see them displayed in our hallway.
They worked very hard finishing up their word clouds and it sure did pay off! They were given LOTS of multi-stepped directions in the computer lab to get this accomplished. At first they were quick to ask for help when they were unsure. There just wasn't enough of me to go around. We re-grouped, I walked them through the steps again, then told them to "ask three before me." I could see them gain confidence as they helped a neighbor and also practice patience and problem solving until I was able to help. I'm going to make sure I have them laminated before sending them home. They will be proud to see them displayed in our hallway.
Second Grade Math:
After solving the problem of the day, we went right into their timed tests. I have two that are very close to passing their subtraction tests and then two who are onto multiplication! They were very excited to learn this new skill. It's hard to switch gears, but they are getting it. All are working very hard! I introduced another sequence of numbers to them. We moved from Fibonacci to a Binary Sequence. It didn't take them long to figure out the pattern. They then had to put it into words and a Venn Diagram. Even as they add larger numbers, I see that they are going back to the regrouping. They are spot on!
Third Grade LA:
This is quite the chatty bunch! They easily launch into stories that somehow relate to our topic, lol, but I have to steer them back on track. I really do enjoy them. We all agree that Lewis Carroll can be quite confusing and have chosen to continue to listen to it on audible.com (instead of reading it on their own) Hearing the voices do help keep the characters straight! We continue to journal and will get into more activities when we return from break. Love reading their journals. It's great once we get the conversation going back and forth.
Third Grade Math:
This group was very anxious to start. It's been two weeks since we've met, so they were ready to get back to business. They didn't forget their facts because I had many pass. Congratulations to Logan for passing his 8's and Caysen, Brandon and Jai for passing their 90 division facts. They are putting the pressure on my fourth graders. We've crossed over from fractions to decimals. They were all given a place value sheet to refer back to. We talked vocabulary and how to read it. I like the questions they ask; you can see they really want to understand. Decimal land doesn't follow the same rules. Ask them what this means. We matched up decimals and fractions towards the end of the day.
First Grade LA:
We rotated their stories, so each could use a rubric to grade someone else's persuasive writing. It was eye opening for them to see it from another point of view. Things they thought they had written on their final paper, were sometimes left off. It just brings a nice close to their assignment. They really do a nice job on these now. We also tackled another no space cipher and talked about the importance of punctuation. I read a book Yo? Yes! without expression or end marks. You should have seen their faces, it was priceless. They practiced putting in punctuation to a paragraph and reading various riddles.
First Grade Math:
Our problem of the day and math masters ate up most of our first day. Congratulations to Kennedy on passing 90 subtraction problems. Ten more and she moves onto multiplication, amazing! All of my others continue to improve their score. I switched gears with this bunch. Instead of charting what they've missed, we are doing the ones right. It's a more positive message for a big task. They are doing great! We've started another measurement packet. We did a little with temperature and using a ruler to the quarter inch! Some it didn't come easy to and others caught on right away. This is a nice group.
Enjoy your break!
Yours in education,
Mrs. Koedyker