Hello All and Welcome Kindergarten Parents!
We talked about the Lifelong Guideline of Personal Best this week. It's a great one to discuss that has all kinds of quotes to go with it.
Some of the quotes shared this week:
- The sky's the limit when your heart is in it.
- To be a winner, all you need to give is all you have.
- If it is to be, it is up to me.
- Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.
- If better is possible, good is not enough.
Although we were back to a regular week, I was sick Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday. I know my first and third grade math groups are chomping at the bit to get back in here since we missed all last week due to testing. I stopped in today to finish up testing and tie up loose ends and had a first grade math student ask if I was taking them today, awww. I promised next week!
Thanks for your patience on getting this blog to you. I know it's usually sooner.
In math, we got back into the routine of doing our problem of the day (POD) and they welcomed that. We do SO MUCH in the little time that we're in here, that sometimes things just have to give. I'm happy we're back to it. It touches on grade level skills just to refresh and sometimes teach a new skill. It's great! They love it more when they move up a grade or two.
Kindergarten will start up after spring break. I'll see them on Wednesdays and Thursdays during their flex time.
Fourth Grade LA:
We finished up our biography presentations and they did SUCH a great job!!! You could tell they were very proud of all they had accomplished. I mentioned that I did video tape each of them with my phone and have been working on a way to get them to you. I believe I'm close! The file was too big to send directly from my phone and even from my computer, but if I share it through Google docs . . . it should work. I hope to get them to you soon. As a mom, I know it's just priceless to have a sneak peek into their world.
Fourth Grade Math:
We made time this week to work on the Smartboard again and with this large group it's a bit of a juggling act. I thought it ideal to split them into two groups, so there's less wait time. One group worked on an independent activity while the other half were on the Smartboard. They are the perfect group to do this with! They listen well and get the most out of our class. When it came to Math Masters this week, we had several move up a level and a bunch VERY close to passing. Congratulations to Garrett for passing 90 division facts, James and Josh L. for passing 100 division facts, and Riley for passing division with remainder. Your Smartie will be waiting for you and each will move onto their next challenge.
Second Grade LA:
We aren't quite ready to give up on our Edward just yet. I first had each write a paragraph of their thoughts of the book, characters, favorite part, favorite characters, etc. It was a free write of their ideas about the book. We then went to the computer lab to type these up. They learned quite a few bonus things about the computer too (right clicking, spell check, save as, save) and they caught right on. I loved reading them! We will copy/paste these next week into a word cloud. I cannot wait to see their finished product!!!!
Second Grade Math:
We only had one day of math this week. We started off with a problem of the day and Math Masters. I am so excited for the progress that this whole group is making on their facts. It's obvious they are working on them at home. Congratulations to Kaden and Chris for passing their subtraction facts. They will move onto learning multiplication facts. I will help them through and have many tricks up my sleeve of how to remember them. I bet they are excited! The others are very close behind them. It won't be long and they'll all be on multiplication, wow! They also had time on the Smartboard.
Third Grade LA:
They are enjoying the story of Alice in Wonderland, but we often stop to discuss the story, the author, what's going on because it can be quite confusing. Lewis Carroll has a wild imagination plus it's very different from the movie! It's good they are making the comparisons and having the rich conversations they're having. We also keep journaling and looking deeper into the book.
First Grade LA:
We finished up our persuasive paragraphs this week. They are writing a paragraph to persuade you to buy them a certain gift. Just wait until you read these. You may want to post them on your refrigerator to refer back to often, hehehe. We'll have them use a rubric to grade each others before sending them home. They also had time on the Smartboard matching up synonyms and antonyms. I had them go up several levels to challenge them.
Yours in education,
Mrs. Koedyker
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