Friday, March 6, 2015

Fantastic Friday!


Our blog this week will be short and sweet due to second grade testing for HA plus ISTEP in third and fourth.  We've just had to be very flexible in our schedule.  Next week we will finish up testing second grade, but I will see all my classes!  Whooohoooo!

We talked about the Lifelong Guideline of No Put Downs.

  • Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins. (Native American Saying) 

As you can see, I saw very few classes this week . . .

Fourth Grade LA:
We began presenting our Google slide Biography Presentations this week.  I only saw my group once this week, so we'll do the others next week.  They did a fantastic job!  I am video taping them with my phone, but it's too big to send from my phone without editing.  I will look into it and try to send it computer to computer.  I'm really looking for them to add more to their presentation than just reading what is on their slides.  They've written their monologues and I've stressed this, so we should be good.

Fourth Grade Math:
The one day we met, we had a little fun with the Smartboard.  It was a welcomed relief with their ISTEP testing.  They just kind of exhaled . . . We didn't even bother with timed tests.  This is my largest group, so to make the most of the Smartboard, I split them into two groups.  One worked on an extreme dot-to-dot while the others used coordinates to complete a mosaic.  They had to choose their colors to match the first half of the picture.  It was a slow go at first, but they got pretty quick about it.

Second Grade LA:
After going over our crossword puzzle of Edward, I had them write a paragraph about Edward Tulane.  I set them free to just write.  What did they think about the book, their favorite part, describe Edward if they wanted, etc. We then went into the computer lab to type them into a Word document.  Our plan is to copy/paste them into a word cloud somewhat like the holiday name Wordles I did for everyone.  I'm so excited to see how these turn out!

Second Grade Math:
We did two days of Gynzy on the Smartboard.  We didn't take a timed test this week to keep pace with everyone else.  On one day we a coordinate picture where they had to match up the colors and recreate the picture.  The second day they figured math word problems.  This was neat because they were able to  actually write on the board their answer.  Fun!

Third Grade LA:
I only saw my third graders once this week.  We listened and journaled about Alice.  If you've never read the book, it's quite interesting and very different from the movie.  Listening and talking about it as we go really helps us follow along with Carroll's crazy ideas.

Third Grade Both:
The days we did not meet, I had my groups come down to help me log my second graders onto the computers for HA testing.  They were SUCH a HUGE help to me and really stepped up to the challenge!  I appreciate their extra hands.  They didn't want to leave and even asked if they could stay during testing, lol.

If you blinked, the blog is over.  Not even any pictures this week . . .darn!  Next week, we'll return to somewhat "normal", so I will see you next time!  Same bat time . . . same bat channel.  

Yours in education,
Mrs. Koedyker

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